Utility- and Network Operator-Owned Power Electronic Devices for Flexible Distribution Networks

7 February 2024
18 November 2024
Guest Editors: Peng Li, Tianjin University, China; Hongbin Wu , Hefei University of Technology, China; Linquan Bai, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA; Yue Zhou, Cardiff University, UK; Gen Li, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark; Haoran Ji, Tianjin University, China

Table of Contents

Open Access

Coordinated planning of DGs and soft open points in multi-voltage level distributed networks based on the Stackelberg game

Coordinated planning of DGs and soft open points in multi-voltage level distributed networks based on the Stackelberg game

Aiming at the problem of different consumption capacities at different voltage levels distribution networks and the divergence of interests among investment entities, a coordinated planning model for distributed generators and soft open points based on the Stackelberg game is proposed in this paper.

Open Access

Edge computing-based optimal dispatching of charging loads considering dynamic hosting capacity

Edge computing-based optimal dispatching of charging loads considering dynamic hosting capacity

This study proposes an edge computing-based dispatching strategy for EVs that considers the dynamic hosting capacity of distribution networks. First, an edge-side dynamic index is established to dynamically reflect the EV hosting capacity. Subsequently, an optimal dispatching model for EVs is proposed by integrating the dynamic index. Furthermore, the dispatching strategy is updated by considering EV users' willingness.

Open Access

A multi-power quality problems management strategy based on VSCs and switches in AC/DC hybrid LVDN with large PVs

A multi-power quality problems management strategy based on VSCs and switches in AC/DC hybrid LVDN with large PVs

This paper proposes a dual-layer control strategy to address voltage unbalances and voltage violations with multiple devices. First layer is pre-day scheduling, which aims to minimize unbalance factors by optimizing the position of phase-changing switches. Second layer is intra-day optimization, which proposes a VSC active and reactive power coordinated control strategy.

Open Access

Distributed optimal Volt/Var control in power electronics dominated AC/DC hybrid distribution network

Distributed optimal Volt/Var control in power electronics dominated AC/DC hybrid distribution network

This paper considers various power electronic devices including, soft open points, photovoltaic inverters, and voltage source converters, and proposes a distributed optimal voltage/var control method in a power electronics dominated AC/DC hybrid distribution network to improve the voltage quality and enhance the operational efficiency of the active distribution network.

Open Access

Influence of power quality and stack temperature on the specific energy consumption of alkaline electrolyzer

Influence of power quality and stack temperature on the specific energy consumption of alkaline electrolyzer

Analyzed the effect of the power quality under four types of rectifiers on the specific energy consumption (SEC) of the electrolyzer. The mathematical model for the SEC of the rectifier is proposed, and the SEC of the electrolyzer stack and rectifier under four types of rectifiers are compared.

The electrolyzer model which considers stack temperature is proposed to analyze the SEC of electrolyzer under the different stack temperature. The combined effect of power quality and stack temperature on the SEC of the electrolyzer is revealed.

Open Access

Active distribution network fault section location method based on characteristic wave coupling

Active distribution network fault section location method based on characteristic wave coupling

A fault section location method for active distribution network based on characteristic wave coupling is proposed to expand the fault difference. This method explores the principles of characteristic wave coupling, discusses characteristic wave parameter selection theory, examines the start-up control strategy for characteristic wave coupling, and establishes a protection action criterion by comparing the energy difference of characteristic waves based on the fault identification principle.

Open Access

Future-proofing city power grids: FID-based efficient interconnection strategies for major load-centred environments

Future-proofing city power grids: FID-based efficient interconnection strategies for major load-centred environments

This paper analyzed the future-proofing of city power grids, focusing on load-centred environments, by introducing innovative interconnection strategies based on the PED-FID. We explored suitable interconnection solutions based on the latest developments in IGCT-PED technology to meet the specific needs of major load-centred cities, intending to contribute to the promotion and implementation of robust and efficient interconnection solutions.

Open Access

Optimal planning of SOP in distribution network considering 5G BS collaboration

Optimal planning of SOP in distribution network considering 5G BS collaboration

This paper proposes an optimal planning method of soft open point (SOP) in distribution networks (DN) considering 5G base stations (BSs) collaboration to enhance power regulation capabilities and reduce costs. A bi-level optimization model is used to determine the SOP planning scheme and the dispatch strategy of base station energy storage, while an improved Shapley value method is developed for benefit allocation, demonstrating significant cost reductions of SOP and DN, increase 5G BS revenue, and improve voltage quality.