Volume 54, Issue 9 p. 560-562
Image and vision processing and display technology
Open Access

Local tone mapping algorithm and hardware implementation

J. Yang

J. Yang

Integrated Intelligent Sensors Laboratory (I2Sense) Lab, Schulich School of Engineering, University of Calgary, 2500 University Drive NW, Calgary, AB, T2N 1N4 Canada

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A. Hore

A. Hore

Integrated Intelligent Sensors Laboratory (I2Sense) Lab, Schulich School of Engineering, University of Calgary, 2500 University Drive NW, Calgary, AB, T2N 1N4 Canada

A. Hore: Also with IT GLORY Inc.

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O. Yadid-Pecht

Corresponding Author

O. Yadid-Pecht

Integrated Intelligent Sensors Laboratory (I2Sense) Lab, Schulich School of Engineering, University of Calgary, 2500 University Drive NW, Calgary, AB, T2N 1N4 Canada

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First published: 01 May 2018
Citations: 7


A novel tone mapping algorithm and hardware implementation for displaying wide dynamic range (WDR) images are proposed. The algorithm processes WDR images in a pixel-by-pixel fashion in the logarithmic domain, and it uses the block-interpolated minimum and maximum pixel values. The hardware implementation can achieve real-time processing of WDR images and is resource-efficient. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm and hardware implementation can produce images with good brightness and high contrast.


The dynamic range is defined as the ratio of the intensity of the brightest point to the intensity of the darkest point in a scene or image. For natural scenes, this ratio can reach up to the order of millions. Wide dynamic range (WDR) images, also called high dynamic range (HDR) images, are images that exhibit larger dynamic range than common photographs. Generally speaking, there are two main methods of obtaining WDR images: one can capture WDR image either in different frames [1] or via advanced image sensors in the same frame [2, 3]. However, the dynamic range of WDR images usually exceeds the dynamic range of conventional display devices, making a proper direct display of WDR image quite impossible. To address the issue of displaying WDR on conventional and existing LDR display devices, tone mapping algorithms have been developed, which aim at efficiently compress WDR image in order to produce LDR images that fit LDR display devices with the implicit or explicit constraints of preserving the original image quality to some extent (contrast, visible details, brightness or texture to name a few). Tone mapping algorithms can be classified into two categories: global and local tone mapping algorithms. Global tone mapping algorithms employ a single function for all pixels and disregard pixel's neighbour statics. In general, they are relatively easy to implement in hardware [4]. However, they may be prone to loss of details in images as well as insufficient contrast. Local tone mapping takes pixel neighbour statistics into account, and they can produce images with more contrast and brightness than global tone mapping algorithms. However, many local tone mapping algorithms are computationally expensive and require a significant amount of hardware resources for implementation [5-8]. In this Letter, we first propose a novel local tone mapping algorithm which processes the WDR image in a pixel-by-pixel manner, and then we present the hardware implementation of the algorithm.


Fig. 1 shows the overall processing flow of the proposed algorithm. It first divides the WDR image into urn:x-wiley:00135194:media:ell2bf05624:ell2bf05624-math-0001 blocks (white rectangles), then maximum and minimum values of each block are obtained (shown as circles in Fig. 1). The maximum and minimum values constitute two urn:x-wiley:00135194:media:ell2bf05624:ell2bf05624-math-0002 matrices. The two matrices are then bilinearly interpolated to expand their dimension to the size of the WDR image. We denote the two matrices as urn:x-wiley:00135194:media:ell2bf05624:ell2bf05624-math-0003 and urn:x-wiley:00135194:media:ell2bf05624:ell2bf05624-math-0004. At image location (urn:x-wiley:00135194:media:ell2bf05624:ell2bf05624-math-0005), the WDR pixel value is urn:x-wiley:00135194:media:ell2bf05624:ell2bf05624-math-0006 and there are two corresponding values urn:x-wiley:00135194:media:ell2bf05624:ell2bf05624-math-0007 and urn:x-wiley:00135194:media:ell2bf05624:ell2bf05624-math-0008 in the matrices. Our algorithm tone maps the pixel value using logarithm function
where urn:x-wiley:00135194:media:ell2bf05624:ell2bf05624-math-0010 and urn:x-wiley:00135194:media:ell2bf05624:ell2bf05624-math-0011 are the maximum and minimum display levels of the visualisation devices (which are usually 255 and 0). Equation (1) tone maps a WDR image using the logarithmic function in a pixel-by-pixel fashion. Note that in (1), the compression level for a pixel urn:x-wiley:00135194:media:ell2bf05624:ell2bf05624-math-0012 is determined by the urn:x-wiley:00135194:media:ell2bf05624:ell2bf05624-math-0013 and urn:x-wiley:00135194:media:ell2bf05624:ell2bf05624-math-0014 values which take local pixel fluctuations into account, which gives our algorithm its local (instead of global) flavour. The compression level between adjacent pixels is close to each other since the values in urn:x-wiley:00135194:media:ell2bf05624:ell2bf05624-math-0015 and urn:x-wiley:00135194:media:ell2bf05624:ell2bf05624-math-0016 arrays are interpolated. The gradually changing compression level of pixels in the algorithm helps in reducing any visible artefacts.

Hardware implementation

The hardware architecture of the proposed algorithm is shown in Fig. 2. It mainly consists of six modules: block div module, pixel status module, parameter module, regfile module, interp module and compute module. The pixel status module keeps track of the row and column number of the current input pixel and outputs the row and column number pair urn:x-wiley:00135194:media:ell2bf05624:ell2bf05624-math-0017 to block div module where decisions are made to keep the maximum and minimum pixel values of each block. The values are then passed to and stored in the regfile module for the use of the next frame because when operating in real time, we reasonably assume without any exaggeration that there is very little variation between successive image frames [5, 8]. Hence, image statistics (like minimum and maximum) acquired from one frame can be used to process the subsequent frame. The interp module fetches corresponding data from a regfile module based on the row and column number pair urn:x-wiley:00135194:media:ell2bf05624:ell2bf05624-math-0018 and interpolates the corresponding urn:x-wiley:00135194:media:ell2bf05624:ell2bf05624-math-0019 and urn:x-wiley:00135194:media:ell2bf05624:ell2bf05624-math-0020 values. The compute module carries out the calculation of (1) to obtain the final tone mapped value of the pixel urn:x-wiley:00135194:media:ell2bf05624:ell2bf05624-math-0021. The parameter module stores user-defined parameters such as image resolution and predefined size of each block.

Details are in the caption following the image

Overall processing flow of the proposed algorithm

Details are in the caption following the image

Implemented hardware architecture

To reduce hardware resources, the log computation in the compute module is approximated with Taylor expansion. However, Taylor expansion only converges for natural logarithm when the approximated number is between −1 and 1, thus we first separate the pixel value into a fractional part which is smaller than 1 and a multiplicative factor which is an order of 2
The number N is found as the location of the MSB of x. The fractional part then can be approximated by second-order Taylor expansion
If we change the base of natural logarithm, we get the following for the multiplicative factor part:
The approximation of urn:x-wiley:00135194:media:ell2bf05624:ell2bf05624-math-0025 is in the form of power of 2 numbers, which enables to use shift operations instead of a division of computing urn:x-wiley:00135194:media:ell2bf05624:ell2bf05624-math-0026.
The bilinear interpolation is realised by the interp module. It conducts three 1D interpolations as shown in the shaded area of Fig. 2. If the block size in Fig. 1 is urn:x-wiley:00135194:media:ell2bf05624:ell2bf05624-math-0027 and the four corners are extracted maximum or minimum values, we need to interpolate the values between the four corners to form the urn:x-wiley:00135194:media:ell2bf05624:ell2bf05624-math-0028 and urn:x-wiley:00135194:media:ell2bf05624:ell2bf05624-math-0029 matrices. Suppose the point to be interpolated is located in urn:x-wiley:00135194:media:ell2bf05624:ell2bf05624-math-0030 of the block. Then two intermediate values urn:x-wiley:00135194:media:ell2bf05624:ell2bf05624-math-0031 and urn:x-wiley:00135194:media:ell2bf05624:ell2bf05624-math-0032 are first interpolated using the following equations:
The final x values are further interpolated with urn:x-wiley:00135194:media:ell2bf05624:ell2bf05624-math-0034 and urn:x-wiley:00135194:media:ell2bf05624:ell2bf05624-math-0035 using a similar method. In our implementation, we choose block size w and h as a power of 2 such as 32, 64, 128 so that the division is done by simple shift operations.
Details are in the caption following the image

Tone mapped images using different algorithms

a Result of [5]

b Result of [6]

c Result of [7]

d Result of the proposed algorithm

Details are in the caption following the image

Tone mapped images using different algorithms

a Result of [5]

b Result of [6]

c Result of [7]

d Result of the proposed algorithm

Experimental results and comparisons

The proposed hardware architecture for the tone mapping algorithm was modelled in Verilog HDL and synthesised using Altera Quartus II 13.1 toolset. An Altera Cyclone III FPGA (EP3C120F780) development kit was our targeted platform. Figs. 3 and 4 show images tone mapped with different algorithms. As we can notice, the tone mapped image of our proposed algorithm is globally brighter and many details are visible when compared with other works. To assess the image quality of our tone mapped images, we have used the tone mapped image quality index (TMQI) [9]. The TMQI combines a multi-scale structural fidelity measure and a measure of image naturalness and provides a single quality score of an entire image. The TMQI measurements of images in Figs. 3 and 4 are shown in Table 1. The high quality score of our algorithm suggests that it can produce images that satisfy good quality criteria. Our hardware implementation was designed for minimising hardware resources and real-time processing. The synthesised working clock frequency of our hardware implementation is 100 MHz. Since our algorithm works in pixel-by-pixel fashion, this means that our implementation can process 100 Mega-pixels in 1 ms. The logic utilisation of our hardware implementation on a cyclone III FPGA (119 K logic elements) is only 11%. To evaluate the hardware implementation efficiency, we compare our work with four other similar works. The results are shown in Table 2. Hassan and Carletta [7] reported an FPGA implementation of a local tone mapping algorithm. This design can achieve a processing speed of 60 frames per second (FPS); however, the implementation requires a large number of hardware resources. Vytla et al. [6] have implemented the gradient domain WDR compression algorithm; their design requires a fewer logic resource, but it employs 88 DSP blocks for the computation. Recently, Ambalathankandy et al. [5] have implemented a global-local tone mapping method; this work also requires more logical and memory resources than our implementation. The implementation of Shahnovich et al. [4] use less logic resource, but it can only carry out simple logarithmic compression.

Table 1. Quantitative measure of Figs. 3 and 4
Algorithms Image1 Image2
[5] 0.9228 0.8058
[6] 0.8479 0.8576
[7] 0.8348 0.7620
Ours 0.9351 0.9182
Table 2. Comparison with other tone mapping hardware implementations
Works Image size FPS Logic elements Memory (bits)
Hassan and Carletta [7] 1024 × 768 60 34,806 3,153,048
Vytla et al. [6] 1 Megapixel 100 9019 + 88 DSP 307,200
Ambalathankandy et al. [5] 1024 × 768 126 93,989 87,176
Shahnovich et al. [4] 1024 × 768 126 4020 270,336
This work 1024 × 768 126 13,216 77,408


This Letter introduces a novel WDR image tone mapping algorithm with a hardware implementation. The algorithm can compress WDR images in a pixel-by-pixel fashion with different compression levels based on local pixel statistics. The hardware implementation is resource-efficient and can achieve real-time processing speed. Some experimental results obtained have shown the good performance of the proposed algorithm, and comparisons with some other hardware works have shown that our implementation is hardware-efficient.


This work was supported by the Alberta Innovates Technology Futures (AITF) and Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).